Thursday, May 31, 2012

This one is for all my fellow musicians & artists

Dear fellow musicians & artists,

Have you had the feeling of being unappreciated & not cherished for your talents & skills???

You are not alone, I've been through that stage or phase or whatever you might call it.

I share this in the hope that people value musicians & not exploit us.


Raga Remix

The promotional poster & event photos from Raga Remix event held @ the Asian Civilisations Museum on the 25th & 26th of May 2012

First Up Were Tze & The looking glass consisting of Music Composer Tze himself on Keyboard, Lazar on Indian Violin, Dai Da on Er Hu, Teo Boon Chye on Saxophone, Patrick Wong on Bass

Next up were Lady Kash & Krissy accompanied by Prabu (Myself) on Flutes, Jordan on Keyboard, Pavithran on Guitar & Murale on Drums

Had a wonderful playing experience with Kash, Krissy, Pavithran, Jordan & Murale, We should work on more shows and stuff for the future.

Last but not least were Jack & Rai (Vocals & Guitars) who rocked the house down with their acoustic renditions on popular songs from the past & present, Accompanying Jack & Rai were Vignes on the Sitar & once again Murale on the drums.

Was a great event, had loads of fun making new friends & reacquainting with old friends, below are the backstage photos taken the entire crew of musical friends.

From left to right, Rai, Myself(Flute Prabu), Pavithran, Jordan, Krissy, Kash, Eswaran(Who took most of our photos & videos), Vignes, Murale & Jack

This one is for all of you, to many more successful shows together :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Update after 6 years

Hi All, it has been years since I updated this blog which was pointed out to me by one of my close friends.

I have once again started to play actively for shows

I will be updating this page regularly with my photos, news and performances. For now I will update my contact details for bookings which follows as below

Mobile: +65-92230514